
Translatable is a translation app that allows users to transcribe their speech and translate it to their desired language. This was the first AI wrapper I built before I even knew what an AI wrapper was.

It features a searchable dropdown menu that allows users to quickly select their desired input and output language. Transcriptions are done with Web Speech API while translations are powered with OpenAI.

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Click here to see the deployed project.

Purpose of the Project

The purpose of Translatable was to provide a quick and easy way for users to transcribe and translate their speech.

I implemented a searchable dropdown menu for users to quickly find their desired input and output language.

This was my first individual project, and I wanted to find a unique way to implement an API.

The Process

This app can be broken down into three parts in terms of the amount of time and code: speech recognition/transcription, language input/output selection, and OpenAI API translation.

Web Speech API was the first time I had worked with a library. Up until this point I was just building pages with HTML, CSS and a bit of Javascript.

After getting Web Speech API set up, I needed to create a dropdown that allowed users to search the input out output languages. This required some custom code and a bit of creativity since <select> elements have limited styling.

Lastly, since I wanted to deploy this project, I needed to store the API keys on the server side. This was my first foray into the back-end as I had to learn how to use Express to create a server.


The first issue I encountered was with Web Speech API. The voice recordings were a bit glitchy, where the recording would sometimes terminate prematurely, or conversely, continue recording even after I had manually stopped it.

To fix this issue, I implemented a solution that involved creating multiple shorter recordings and stitching them together to get the final transcription.

Lesson Learned

This was the first time I implemented AI in my project. Learning how to set up and prompt OpenAI opened the door for implementation in upcoming projects.

It was also the first time I had dealt with any back-end technology, and in doing so sparked my curiosity to dive deeper into this area.